Book Review: Liam Shark boy

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Book Style: Multi-part story for youngsters as well as toddlers

Reading Level: 3 (Reading Alone because of length of book as well as some descriptive vocabulary)

Reading Length: 10-15 minutes (FYI: we never account for young child questions)

Illustration: Cartoonish, colorful, sharp

Age Target: 4-8 Years of Age

Author: Stephanie Marie Roberts

Author’s Page: Amazon

Book purchase Page: Liam Shark Boy – Kindle $2.89 USD

Social Media Links: N/A

Liam Shark Boy is a wonderful story for youngsters as well as young children about a young boy named Liam.  Liam likes sharks so much that when he goes on a fishing trip with his dad, he satisfies one.  That shark, named Dearborn, has a special objective for him.  From that point on, Liam is named Shark boy as well as learns that he has special powers.  Being the great youngster he is, Liam utilizes those special powers to assist all type of sea life.  In the end, Liam has to save a young boy being attacked by some extremely poor sharks.  We quickly discover that the boy Liam saves is his older sibling Joshua, as well as the two go on being the very best of brothers.

Now, this isn’t your daily e-book.  This is a true multi-part story book, as well as each part of the book has its own beginning, middle as well as end.  Each part establishes a character, in addition to the general story, as well as each part can be checked out as its own separately.  What this means for you as a parent is that you can break up the story into several readings.  If you do this, your kid will ask to keep reading Liam Shark Boy.  At least, that’s what occurred to me!

Связанные теории эмоций – что они?

Dearborn as well as Liam…fast friends!

The reason my bit guy kept asking for the story was simple: the characters were fun, as well as the story is great.  Liam is an extraordinary character just since he’s a young boy in a typical family, however with special powers.  What youngster doesn’t want super powers?  This book’s primary character lets your bit one envision themselves as a super hero.

Now, creativity isn’t the only benefit here.  There are an incredible number of facts in this book.  The story is laced with tons of info about the oceans, sea life, as well as other sea-related things.  Not only that, however it’s performed in an effortless method by our author (Stephanie Marie Roberts).  She handles to integrate the facts within the story by having the characters share them (usually about other characters).  I absolutely like this method of mentor kids, as it doesn’t shove the info in their face.  It just provides it as well as does so in a moment when they’re totally participated in the story.

Come on, Mom! Поверьте мне!

Stephanie (our author) has designed this book in a different way than most.  She hasn’t totally covered every page with illustrations.  Instead, there are 1-2 smaller illustrations on each page.  The illustrations are integrated into the story, as well as I discovered myself truly enjoying the style within the e-book format.  It enabled my bit guy to look at a couple of photos while I read, as well as it likewise enabled me to checked out more than just a few sentences per page.  This truly dealt with the book’s longer length.  The illustrations themselves are nothing short of impressive, as they’re vibrant as well as incredibly sharp.  The characters have amazing expressions, as well as they appear incredibly lifelike (I just don’t get exactly how artists do this stuff).  all in all they’re vivid illustrations, as well as each one adds to the book’s general style.

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In the end, this is nothing short of an incredible story book for kids.  It’s a excellent source of understanding about the oceans as well as sea life, as well as the illustrations are impressive.  The story itself brings out the creativity in kids. What’s more, the story has been awarded a 2016 eLit Award in the Children‘s books section (which should tell you all you requirement to know).

In the end, this book only costs $2.89 USD. What a great offer for such an excellent story!

Thanks for reading…with your kids!

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